How is a session in DFA Somatic Pattern Recognition

At the beginning of each session we see how the different parts of the body relate to each other as well as to the body’s gravitational axis. Then, with the person fully dressed and lying down on a padded table, we work with these shapes with a gentle hands-on intervention which allow us to
- find and relax the tensions which cause pain and/or keep parts of the body or of the person’s behavior outside their awareness
- re-establish connections in the nervous system which give access to the information contained in the shapes of the body in order to be able to process and integrate it
- explore the meaning we associate with the sensations that surface and re-examine them as to what extend they continue to be valid in our present lives
- recover lost freedom of movement
- restore inner balance after traumatic experiences
- complete emotional processes that were truncated in the past
- find support in one’s own body as well as in the gravitational field of our planet.
At the end of the session we dedicate some time to integrating the new options we found while lying down, into the actions of standing and walking. This makes it possible to apply them to different situations in our everyday lives.
Private DFA sessions typically are of one hour duration at a weekly rhythm. If needed it is possible to do two or up to three sessions per week.